Friday, 16 March 2012

How universe was created

Matter is created as the result of high electromagnetic force and high gravity.
Because everything is more or less affected by electromagnetic force.
There are many cosmic forces that we are unaware of.
We do not even know 0.1% of this massive universe.
 When matter was created equal amount of anti-matter was also created.
It was the beginning of time and universe.
After that our universe made up of matter and universe made up of  anti matter started moving apart and
It is still moving till now.
We cannot try that with highly powerful electromagnets because:-
  Matter and antimatter move away faster than the speed of light;
  When antimatter collides with matter the amount of energy released will as much as by a supernova;
If we try this the effects can be up to destruction of whole planetary system and even the sun.
Even if space has vacuum and zero gravity, it still lays friction; it is an unknown cosmic force.
The total amount of matter or antimatter will be zero.
We also split zero i.e. 0=-1+-2+1+2.
That can be called as the origin of time
Now modern quantum physics has stated that everything has its particle and there is one common particle 'Indion'
which is also called as god particle.
Atoms and photons are formed latter due to the gravitational attraction and repulsion of 'Indions'.
Even light, microwaves, X rays, gamma rays and other waves in EMS are having quantum particles.
If these collide with antimatter they will get destroyed and will reflect back, but even if earth is not in
The center of this cosmos there are thousands of galaxies and nebula completely surround earth an act as a shield
So light cannot go and cannot come from there.
This can also be called as parallel universe.
There is no or very less evidence for existence of parallel universe.
Yes but our existence proves their existence because EVERY MATTER HAS ITS OWN ANTIMATTER.