Strings are like rubber bands
rotating to form spheres.
These spheres contain parallel
universes identical to our universe.
But while rotating these strings
are filled with quantum fluctuations.
These fluctuations lead to
creations of microscopic wormholes,
which are shortcuts in space time
and dimension.
These wormholes remain until quantum
but they are extremely stable as
they do not burst of with
evolution of energy in mass quantity.
The strings have extremely powerful
electromagnetic force which converts
Matter to Dark-matter.
The strings also help in
maintaining shape of internal universe.
We can also call strings as an electromagnetic
force surrounding quantum multiverses.
The rotation of strings is faster
than anything present in the internal universe,
hence nothing from the internal
universe escapes from the strings.
The opening of wormhole is
exactly opposite to end of wormhole,
like two end points of diameter
of circle.
Once any object comes near one end
of wormhole, the force of the wormhole will
attract the object towards it
And if the wormhole is stable the
object will travel to the other end of wormhole,
but if the wormhole is unstable
it will burst off like antimatter.
The structure of strings and
multiverses in the universe is symmetrical too that of our universe.