Supernova is term use to define an explosion of dying star.
There are many types of stars wiz dwarfs, main sequence stars, giants, super
The mass of super giants is approximate 1000 solar masses.
In a star, hydrogen and helium atoms fuse to form elements of next
During the lifespan of super giant, iron is the last element of fusion series.
As iron is a heavy element, it stays in the core of star.
Fusion evolved shells.
As the iron in the core of star increases, due to gravity,
the pull of star towards centre increases.
Now there are two forces:
towards centre.
Pressure towards surface.
The star shrinks towards centre, but the pressure too
After some period the force towards surface becomes more
than gravity.
Due to this, the star explodes.
During the explosion hard X-rays and gamma rays are released
from the poles of
star, this is called as
gamma ray burst.
This explosion is called as SUPERNOVA.
Super nova leaves a long time impression on galaxy.
All the precious metals are created at times of supernova.
A supernova in our neighborhood i.e. 5 light years can wash
of all life on earth.
After supernova, depending upon the mass of star it turns
into a black hole or a neutron star.
Some images:
The Crab Nebula was a star once. It exploded as a supernova
in 1054, and was so bright that it was visible during the day for 23 days and
at night for two years. At its center is the Crab Pulsar: a rapidly spinning
neutron star.